Parenting Continuum Event - Benjamin Zander

Parenting Continuum Event - Benjamin Zander
10/7/2013, 7:00 PM 9:00 PM

Awaken the Possibilities in your Family


Los Gatos High School Auditorium For Parents of Grades K-12
~ Admission is Free ~

Learn how to:

  • Keep the avenues of communication open and flowing

  • Speak the language of the heart

  • Create possibility in every aspect of your lives

    World famous conductor of the Boston Philharmonic, Benjamin Zander, uses the metaphor of the orchestra and a lifetime of experience conducting, coaching, and teaching musicians to work his magic to overcome barriers and offers a radical shift in perception. Through stories, music and concepts,his presentation offers a startling new perspective for families. His partner, RosamundZander and he have collaborated on a best seller, “The Art of Possibility” which has been translated into 15 languages. For more information, please You may enjoy this video: and discover more about him on TED.

    For more information about this or other Parenting Continuum events, please contact Marina Barnes at [email protected]. For current programs, updates, and resources on parenting, please visit: www.parentingcontinuum.organd follow us on Facebook:

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